Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall Parades and Parties

Fall Costume Parades and Parties

October 31st was a busy day at Heritage.  The parades for morning preschool and kindergarten were at 10:30 with parties following.  The rest of the school paraded at 2:30 and then partied at 2:45. 

Thank you to all of the parents who helped make this such a fun day for our students. J

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Learnscape Ribbon Cutting

The new Learnscape was officially dedicated Wednesday, October 23rd by Hollis and Miller, the company that donated the entire project. The whole school watched as Hercules, the school mascot, helped cut the ribbon.

Many thanks to Hollis and Miller for the beautiful new space to learn outdoors.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October 16, 2013

Principal’s Message

Morning Math
You may have heard your child or a staff member use the term morning math in conversation.  This has been a new initiative our classroom teachers have implemented this year.  It takes place first thing in the morning (thus the cleverly named morning math) for all students K through 5.  Our goal is to meet the needs of our students through small group instruction, independent, or partnered work. 

Each day, during a regular math lesson, students are taught specific concepts.  After the lesson, some students have an understanding of the concept while others may need more time or assistance.  Our morning math time addresses the needs of all learners.  For those students who may need more time or assistance, they might be working in a small group with the teacher, or practicing the concept on an app using an iPad.  For those students that already understand the concept, they may need to have their learning extended in a small group with the teacher, or work on creating projects with a group that deepens their understanding.  These are just a few examples of strategies our teachers are using. 

With our morning math approach, we are trying to meet the needs of all our learners by adding time and assistance. This differentiated learning is providing students different avenues for making sense of the content, making the learning personal.  Last Friday, our teachers had the opportunity to share what they are doing in the classroom to reach each student, fostering a climate for collaboration among our staff.  We saw and heard wonderful ideas that all our grade levels are implementing.  We will continue to move forward with this initiative throughout the year, improving on an already established framework for learning.  Our students have done a wonderful job adapting to the change in procedure, and we’ll continue to look for ways to guide our students to grow as learners.

                                                                                                Scott McFarland

Dig It!
5th Grade Music Program
The 5th grader performed the music program “Dig It” on October 8th.  The songs taught some history of ancient times through clever words and actions.  There was even a fun cameo appearance by Ms. Debbi!  Great job, Mrs. Owen and 5th grade!

Bullying/Leadership Assembly

Youth Mover, Brandon Lee White, delivered  a high-energy, entertaining, and effective program for our students on October 7th.  As a professional ballroom dance instructor and motivational youth speaker, Brandon incorporated "teamwork, courage, character,        self-discipline, exercise, and anti-bullying."  The students loved participating and learning that they each can make a difference.


3:00 pm



Heritage will have a "Garden Moving Day" at the end of October to move the bushes from Gabriel's Garden to the Learnscape.  Students, staff and volunteers will spend the day working together.  All gardeners are more than welcome to come plant with us.  More information will be coming home soon.


We wanted to thank Carrie Mullies, Victoria White and Angela Ward for making Picture Day run so smoothly. They gave up their morning to help us out. 

A big thank you also to all of the parents who have helped with Movie Plex nights and Cotton Candy Fridays.  These are fun money makers for Heritage that help pay for Field Trips. J

Additional Links
Be sure to check out the new links to Nurse Joy and Mr. Kilber’s Blogs.

Red Ribbon Week Oct. 22nd -25th 

A Healthy Me is Drug-Free!

October 22nd -        Spirit Day “I’m Too Bright for Drugs!”  (wear bright colors)

October 23rd-         Spirit Day “Team Up Against Drugs!” (wear team jersey)

October 24th-         Spirit Day “Sock-it to Drugs” (wear crazy socks)

October 25th-          Spirit Day- Wear Red


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Updates 10.21.13-11.02.13
10/18 NO School
10/21 Professional Day  No Students
10/22 Regional Math Wings Havencroft 3:45-5:00 M
10/22 PTC Meeting 6:30-7:30 PM Library
10/23 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Outdoor Classroom 3:00 PM
10/25 AM Kdg/AM PK Firestation 8:30-10:15 AM
10/25 PM Kdg/PM PK Firestation 1:05-2:45 PM
10/25 Movie Plex 4:00-6:00 PM
10/25 Watch D.O.G. Poker Night Library  6:30-9:00 PM 
10/28 CSI Mrs. Mulligan's Room 3:45-4:30 PM
10/29 District Math Wings ONHS 3:45-5:00 PM
10/29 Engineering Club Mrs. Lovell 3:45-4:40 PM
10/31 AM Kdg/AM PK Fall Parade 10:30, Parties 10:45
10/31 PM Kdg/PM PK-5th Fall Parade 2:30, Parties 2:45 
11/1 5th Grade to Science City 8:30-2:30
11/1 Cotton Candy Friday  $1 a Bag  3:40 
11/2 Daylight Savings Time Ends (Fall Back 1 Hour)

Halloween Costume Reminder

The students and staff at Heritage will be celebrating Halloween on Thursday, October 31st.  Morning Preschool and Kindergarten will have their parade at 10:30 and their parties at 10:45. The rest of the school will have their parade at 2:30 and their parties at 2:45.
Please remember that parental guidance is strongly suggested in the selection of costumes for this school activity.  Students should not wear extremely violent or provocative costumes or bring weapons, guns or other materials that could cause bodily injury. Your support of this request will assist us in providing a safe and enjoyable activity for everyone

Jared Coone’s 15th Annual Pumpkin Run

What a perfect morning for a run!  Forty-two Heritage Harriers participated in the 15th Annual Jared Coone’s Pumpkin Run October 5th at 8:00 am.  The 5K started and ended at Black Bob Elementary.
There were  3,583 runners and walkers this year, which is a record number of participants.  The Jared Coone’s committee so appreciates your continuing support of this community event which is held in loving memory of Jared and Jayne Coones.  Jared was 10 years old when he passed away on October 5, 1998 after his courageous battle with leukemia.  Jared’s mom, Jayne, passed away on December 17, 2006 after a difficult fight with breast cancer. The Jared Coones Memorial 5K Pumpkin Run/Walk celebrates their lives and raises funds for local organizations that provide support for cancer care and research, including The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Children’s Mercy Hospital.
The mission of the Jared Coone’s Run is:
  • To honor the lives of Jared and Jayne Coones
  • To create an event that celebrates family and community
  • To raise funds for research and organizations that support cancer patients and their families
Thank you to all of the runners and walkers, plus our awesome volunteers, and all the families and friends who joined us in Harriers and the Jared Coone’s Pumpkin Run this year!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Message from the Principal

Community support is vital to the well-being of any school.  We are fortunate to have such a supportive community at Heritage.  Specifically, I’d like to recognize and thank two groups. First, I’d like to recognize our PTO (formerly known as PTC).  We recently had a PTO General meeting to discuss what our newly restructured PTO does to support Heritage.  During that time, our board shared how money is raised and how money is spent.  They also shared the mission of the organization.  We have a strong group of parents on our board who have great ideas!  I want to thank the many parents that were available to make the meeting and I want to encourage all of our parents to attend the next general meeting on January 31st at 5:30 pm.  Our PTO has updated their webpage with a lot of good information.  Please visit their website at  Or you can find the link from the Heritage website under parent information.

Secondly, I’d like to recognize another group offering support to our building, our Watch D.O.G. dads.  We had a huge turn out on Tuesday with a Watch D.O.G.'s Pizza Kick-Off.   We had many dads able to sign-up for a day to spend at Heritage as a Watch D.O.G. dad.  If this is something a dad, grandfather, uncle, or close family friend would like to be a part of, please go to the Heritage website and look under parent info.  There, you will find a calendar to see what days are available, along with some general information about the program.  If you’d like to be added to our calendar, please email me your info and a day that works for you.

Mr. McFarland




Bully Prevention Awareness Week

October 7th- 11th

The week of October 7th-11th has been designated by the Kansas State Board of Education as Bully Prevention Awareness Week in Kansas.   This action has been taken as a symbol of the commitment to all students in Kansas to have a safe and nurturing school environment. 

Please join us in this week’s special initiative to increase awareness.   Ask your child to tell you about the importance of the week,some of things students have talked about at school and the assembly on Monday, October 7th.   By talking to your child about the importance of kindness and respect for others, you can open up a dialogue that will support this important work of making Heritage a safe school for all! 
Kelly McGonegle, School Counselor

Heritage School Theme:   Be a H.E.R.O.  – Help, Encourage, and Respect Others
Activities at Heritage will include:

Ø School Counseling lessons focused on respect  and bully prevention

Ø Daily student-led announcements about kindness, compassion, and respect

Ø Classroom stories and discussions on bully prevention and kindness

Ø School-wide assembly presented by motivational speaker, Brandon Lee White

Ø 4th & 5th grade leadership assembly and activities at Black Bob Elementary 

Bullying 101:

Definition: Bullying is unfair and one-sided.  It happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose.  Bullying is carried out with the intent to harm someone.  Bullying is often a repeated activity.  However, bullying may also occur as a one-time event.  Bullying is about a power imbalance.  The person bullying may have more power due to such factors as age, size, strength, support of friends, or access to resources and then uses that power in a hurtful way that is deliberate.
Bullying Behaviors can include: Physically hurting or threatening to hurt someone, social exclusion, insults, name-calling, mean gossip and rumors, and cyberbullying.

Who Bullies?  People sometimes assume that only boys bully, but that is not true.  Girls also bully others.  Boys tend to use more physical or face-to-face bullying behaviors such as hitting, fighting, and threatening.  These are usually easier to see.  Girls bully using physical and verbal attacks, but they often use behind-the-back methods that are harder to see. These more subtle behaviors include getting peers to exclude others and spreading rumors and gossip.  It is important to note that girls and boys can use both face-to-face and behind-the –back bullying.

Isn’t bullying just a normal part of growing up?  Bullying is not a normal part of growing up.  Confusion about the difference between conflict and bullying often makes this myth more believable.  Peer conflict is inevitable and can’t be avoided.  The thing to remember is that in a conflict, both sides have equal power to resolve the problem.  Bullying involves the intentional, one-sided use of power to resolve the problem.
What can I do if my child is being bullied?  Help your child learn to avoid responding in ways that reward bullying behavior.  Explain to your child that people who bully are hoping to get certain reactions.  When the bullied child responds with an assertive response (such as “Stop!  That’s bullying!”), the child doing the bullying may lose interest, and further bullying may be prevented.  Make sure to have your child report a bullying incident right when it happens and get help from an adult at school &/or a parent.  Talk to your child about how reporting is NOT tattling.  Reporting is done to protect you or another student from harm.   



If school is canceled due to snow, bad weather, or illness, the information will be available on the District Information Line (780-8000); on the District Web Site (; and through local television and radio stations. You may also sign up for Olathe Alert! at and click on the “Olathe Alert” icon.  You will be texted or e-mailed with any important messages including school closings. Please note that the YMCA , 913-345-9622, offers consolidated care at designated locations for any family enrolled in the YMCA who needs emergency child care. 
If Bad Weather Occurs During the School Day. . .
It is our district’s policy NOT to dismiss students early due to bad weather.  We must be mindful of such safety issues as transportation, particularly for those students who normally ride the bus or are driven to and from school; lack of supervision at home because of an unscheduled dismissal; and the uncertainty of sending children away from a protected school environment and out into the hazardous weather conditions.
If Bad Weather Occurs at Dismissal Time. . .
Sometimes bad weather, such as an electrical storm, will occur right at dismissal time.  If that happens, dismissal may be delayed.  Parents have the opportunity to enter the building and sign out their children if they choose to do so.
In Case of Emergency . . .
In case of a crisis or unusual occurrence at our school, we will inform parents about the situation as soon as possible. 

Outdoor Classroom Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Our new Outdoor Classroom that was donated and created for Heritage by Hollis and Miller is complete!  There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating this beautiful learning area on October 23rd at 3:00 pm. 
Thank you to Mr. Victor and some of our 5th grade ambassadors who are taking good care of the new bushes. And a HUGE thank you to Hollis and Miller for designing this fun, peaceful area where our students can learn.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

PTO Fundraisers and PTO Board

Our PTO has been very busy this year with Fundraisers that will help pay for field trips and many special events for our children at Heritage.
Some of the events so far have been the sale of Entertainment Books, Spirit Wear, Cotton Candy Fridays (cost is $1.00 and usually happens every 1st Friday of the month) and the Cookie Dough/Holiday Items Sale.  Another favorite fundraiser is our Movie Plex Evenings when the students get a choice of watching one of three movies after school while munching on their snackpacks that are sold for $5.00 by the PTO.  The main fundraiser for our PTO and school is our Fun Fair which will be Thursday, October 10th from 5:30-8:30 PM.  Be sure to come take part in the good food and LOTS of fun games.  Each student will be asked to donate either a bottle of pop, cake or cookies, or a bag of candy to help make the fair a success. The teachers' baskets raffle is a high point of the night.  More information will be coming home in the next few weeks.

Please take a moment when you see them to thank our hardworking PTO Board for 2013-2014:
Vanessa Flood, President

Victoria White, President Elect

Kristine Borland, Executive Vice President/Treasurer
Secretary- Unfilled

Tonya Sorrels, Treasurer Elect

Jennifer Stickney, Vice President of Volunteers

Carrie Mullins, Vice President of Communications

Angela Ward, Vice President of On-Going Events

Kingsada Kingsakounthong, Vice President of Special Events

Mr. McFarland, Principal

Julie Williams, Roxann Sundermeyer, Jana Willett  Teacher Liasons

Upcoming Events 9.27.13-10.11.13

9/27 Movie Plex After School 3:45-6:00 PM
9/27 PTO General Meeting at 5:30 in Downstairs Gym
10/1 Math Wings 3:45-4:15 
10/3 Harriers Running Club 3:45-4:15
10/4 Cotton Candy Friday 3:40 
10/5 Jared Coone's  Pumpkin Run Black Bob 8:00 AM
10/7 Cookie Dough/Holiday Items Sale Deadline
10/8 5th Grade Program 2:30, 7:00 
10/8 Individual Fall Pictures
10/8 Math Wings 3:45-4:45 PM
10/10 End of 1st Quarter
10/10 1st Grade to Theatre Young America/Pumpkin Patch 9:00-2:30 
10/10 2nd Grade to Mahaffie House 9:00-12:30
10/10 FUN FAIR! 5:30-8:30 PM
10/11 Professional Day  No Students