Arrival Time
With the
changing temperatures, we have fewer walkers to school each morning and quite a
few more car riders. This can lead to
our drop off line getting backed up, which does present some safety
concerns. The following may alleviate
unnecessary congestion and help keep our students safe:
you are walking your students to the front entrance, please park in a parking
stall to walk up. Leaving your car in
the drop off lane (both the right and left hand side) is causing a substantial
back up in our drop off procedures.
either the right or left hand lane for dropping students off. If you are using the left lane, please have
students exit the left hand side of the vehicle. If you are using the right lane, please have
students exit the right hand side of the vehicle.
be patient in waiting your turn to drop off in the lanes, skipping ahead
several cars and cutting in to the area is a safety concern for our students.
should be ready to exit the vehicle. If
they are still gathering their papers to put in their backpacks (I know this
one from personal experience) then the drop off lane is not the place to
organize. Simply pull into a stall until
they are ready to go.
Thanks very
much for your help in these areas. It
takes all of us working together to welcome 317 students into the building each
day. I do appreciate our community’s
help in trying to keep our children safe each and every morning!
Mr. McFarland