Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Updates September 25-October 10

Updates September 25-October 10
9/25 3rd Grade Fire Safety 12:30 PM
9/25 Harriers Running Club 3:45-4:15 PM
9/26 Student of the Week Lunches
9/26 Movie Night 3:30-6:00 PM
9/30 Math Wings Mrs. Hannon 3:45-4:45 PM
10/2 Fall Picture Day
10/2 3rd Grade Fire Safety 12:30 - 1:30 PM
10/2 Harriers Running Club 3:45-4:15 PM
10/3 Donuts  With Dads Multi Purpose Room 7:30-8:30 AM
10/3 1st Grade to Johnson County Farm 9:15 AM-2:30 PM
10/3 Student of the Week Lunches
10/3 Cotton Candy Friday
10/4 16th Annual Jared Coones Pumpkin Run Black Bob 8:00 AM
10/6 Bully Prevention Week Begins
10/6 Kindness Kickoff Assemly  Multi Purpose Room 9:00 AM
10/7 5th Grade Program Multi Purpose Room 2:30 and 7:00 PM
10/7 Math Wings Mrs. Hannon 3:40-4:45 PM 
10/8 4th and 5th Grade to Leadership Activity Black Bob 1:00-2:30 PM
10/9 Full Day Kdg and AM Kdg to Fire Station 8:40-10:20 AM
10/9 PM Kdg to Fire Station 1:00- 2:35 PM
10/9 End of First Quarter
10/10 Professional Day No School for Students

ParentVue Information in English and Spanish

ParentVue Provides Elementary Parents with Student Progress Information
Elementary parents in the district will now be able track their child’s progress with ParentVue, an online grading system. The Elementary Report Card and ParentVue are two of many ways in which student progress is communicated throughout the year.

A district steering team has been working on district guidelines for this new program and how it fits most appropriately at the elementary level. For example, at kindergarten, first and second grade, parents can expect to see grades posted at the end of each quarter. Student learning at the primary level is measured using a variety of tools and combines different measures to determine student progress.  A large focus at this level is building foundational skills.

 At third, fourth and fifth grade, parents should see grades posted about every two weeks – typically the first and third week of the month. This may vary slightly from school to school, but the goal is that grades are available about every two weeks. 

 Because students do not attend physical education, music, art, band and orchestra on a daily basis, grades will be posted for these classes at the end of each quarter. 

 As a parent, it is important to remember that not every assignment is included in the grading process. It is necessary for students to have the opportunity to practice their learning before having a grade assigned. The final grade earned at the end of the quarter should never be a surprise to you as a parent. Communication regarding student progress happens with the teacher and constant, on-going communication is the key to your child’s success. 

ParentVue prove a los padres de los estudiantes en escuela primaria información del progreso de los estudiantes
El programa ParentVue, ahora le permite a los padres de los niños en escuelas primarias ver la información del progreso de sus estudiantes.

 Los padres de las escuelas primarias del distrito podrán ahora hacer un seguimiento del progreso de sus hijos con ParentVue, un Sistema de calificaciones en línea. El boletín de las calificaciones y ParentVue  son sólo dos de las maneras en las que el progreso de sus hijos es comunicado a ustedes a través del año escolar.

 Un equipo guiado del distrito ha estado trabajando  bajo las reglas de éste para diseñar el  nuevo programa y cómo  adaptarlo de manera  apropiada en el nivel primario. Por ejemplo, en kinder, primer y segundo grado, los padres pueden ver calificaciones al final de cada trimestre. Los estudiantes del primer nivel son calificados   usando una variedad de herramientas que combinan diferentes medidas para determinar su  progreso. En este nivel hay mucho enfoque en la construcción de las habilidades fundacionales.

 En el tercer, cuarto y quinto grado, los padres verán las calificaciones cada dos semanas -típicamente la primer y tercer semana del mes.  Esto podría variar un poco de escuela a escuela y de maestra a maestra.

 Ya que los estudiantes no participan de manera diaria en Educación Física, Música, Arte, Banda y Orquesta, las calificaciones en estas materias serán reportadas al final de cada trimestre.

 Como padres, es importante que recuerden que no todas las asignaciones están incluidas en el proceso de calificaciones. Es necesario para los estudiantes que tengan la oportunidad de practicar lo aprendido antes de que se le asigne una calificación. La nota al final de cada trimestre no debería ser una sorpresa para ustedes los padres. La comunicación relacionada con el progreso de su estudiante debe ocurrir de manera constante con la maestra, ya que ésta es la clave para el éxito académico de su hijo/a.


Heritage 5th Grade Ambassadors

Ambassadors: Our 5th grade Ambassadors are hard at work helping out around the school and in classrooms. You will see some in the morning opening car doors as you arrive.

Coat Drive: Beginning Sept. 29th, we will be holding a used coat drive. If you have any coats that your family has outgrown, please send them or bring them to school. We will have a barrel in the front of the school. Last Spring we were able to fill it up three times. The coat drive will continue through Oct. 9th.

Gently used and new books-The Ambassadors will be once again collecting books for Johnson County Christmas Bureau. Start going through books that you no longer need. The biggest need this year is board books. Adult and teen books are accepted as well as books for children. The books will be collected Oct. 13th-24th. Each classroom will have a box for books.

Home Deport Workshop and Pumpkin Race Fliers

Fun Run!

Way to go Heritage, the Hound Dog Fun Run was a great success! We raised over $9,000 and had lots of fun running laps around the track on Friday.
Thanks to all of the parents that were able to join us and help out by filling water cups and cheering on our runners! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Child Passenger Safety Week

Please go to the link below with information from Police Captain Grant Allen regarding Child Passenger Safety Week.
Our area police departments will be participating in this project within our school zones this week.
www. kansasboosterseat.o

Fun Run Pictures

The Hound Dog Fun Run will be this Friday, September 19th.  The PTO is raising funds to provide field trips, classroom supplies, and Heritage upgrades throughout the year.

The goal is for this to be our one, large fundraiser, so be sure to ask friends and family to sponsor your student’s run! We've raised almost $2,500 so far, but we still have a long way to go before reaching our goal of $25,000.

Send in your pledges this week to compete for great classroom parties! Last week the winning classrooms had a Silly String party, a Pie in the Face party, and a Workshop sponsored by Home Depot! This week we’ll have a Gymnastics party sponsored by Gym 360, a Pizza party, a Water Balloon Toss, and an Ice Cream party. Visit to donate. Thank you for your support! 



Thursday, September 11, 2014

Important Fun Run Information

Hound Dog Parents,
The Hound Dog Run fundraiser has started!
As we are preparing for our September 19th Fun Run, please help your children collect donations or pledges each day.  Pledges may be turned in each day to help your child’s class earn a daily class party (see below for party schedules).  Or, you may wait until after the run to turn it in all at once.  We would only need the pledges each day for your child’s class to win a party or get prizes.  Your child’s personal webpage is the best place to enter pledges. You will be able to give the webpage out via a link or enter the pledges yourself.  This great feature will allow out of town family and friends to help our school too!  If parents could enter pledges and donations personally taken each night onto your child’s website, it would be a big help to the PTO.  This can be done under Student Resources at the bottom of the page by clicking on the following link:  - selecting Donate to a Participant, and then selecting a student’s name.
This is where check and cash pledges can be made. (Our preferred payment method.)
Class Parties the kids are trying to win:                                                 September 19th Fun Run Times:
9/10 Silly string party                                                                                      10am-11am: All Kindergarten & PK am
9/11 Pie in the Face                                                                                        1pm-2pm: Afternoon K- 2
9/12 Home depot Kids workshop                                                                 2pm-3pm: 3rd -5th grade
9/15 360 Gymnastics
9/16 Pizza Party
9/17 Water Balloon toss at Mr. McFarland
9/18 Ice Cream buffet
9/18 Top Dog hat to wear at the run
If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to call/text or email Tonya Sorrels at 913-523-6959 or
School wide fun run page can be found at:
Thanks for your support of Heritage Elementary Staff and Students
-Heritage PTO

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

News From Our Nurse

News From Our Nurse:
As always, we are monitoring students for signs of illness.  Illness is tracked through our attendance.  It is very important if your child is ill or will be absent from school, to call and report the absence to the front office before 9:00am each day.  If an increase in illness is noted that affects 5-10% of our student population, the Health Department is notified.  Students with a fever will be sent home.  Even without a fever, we might be sending a student home if we see symptoms interfering with their ability to learn at school or indicative of contagious illness.  We are encouraging handwashing and reminding students to cough and sneeze into their elbows (not their hands). 
Enterovirus D68 has been in the news recently.  We have not had any cases at Heritage, but will be continuing to monitor the situation along with Johnson County Health Department.  We are seeing normal childhood illness such as fevers with headache, strep, and stomach flu.  We have also had several cases of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. 
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common viral illness in children.  It usually starts with a fever, poor appetite, a vague feeling of being unwell, and sore throat. One or 2 days after fever starts, painful sores usually develop in the mouth. They begin as small red spots that blister and that often become ulcers. The sores are often in the back of the mouth. A skin rash develops over 1 to 2 days. The rash has flat or raised red spots, sometimes with blisters. The rash is usually on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet; it may also appear on the knees, elbows, buttocks or genital area.
Before your child may return to school they must be fever free for 24 hours and have no open lesions and no new blisters forming.  Blisters must be scabbed over.  It is helpful to report any cases to the school nurse, as this information is tracked to keep the entire school community healthy.  If you have questions about when your child can return to school, please talk with the school nurse.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Upcoming Events September 5 thru September 30

Updates September 5-September 30
9/5 Cotton Candy Friday 
9/6 Old Settlers' Parade 10:00 AM Downtown Olathe
9/8 Fun Run Kick Off!
9/9 Math Wings Mrs. Hannon 3:45-4:45 PM
9/12 2nd Grade Grandparent Day Programs 9:30 AM, 2:00 PM MPR
9/12 Midquarter Reports Go Home
9/16 Math Wings Mrs. Hannon 3:45-4:45 PM
9/18 Harriers Running Club 3:45-4:15 PM
9/19 Fun Run 12:30-3:00 PM
9/23 Hands on Science Museum
9/23 Math Wings Mrs. Hannon 3:45-4:45 PM
9/25 3rd Grade Fire Safety 12:30 PM
9/25 Harriers Running Club 3:45-4:15 PM
9/26 Movie Night 3:30-6:00 PM
9/30 Math Wings Mrs. Hannon 3:45-4:45 PM

ALICE Training

A.L.I.C.E. Training for Parents 

As a district, we recognize that informing parents about the A.L.I.C.E. protocol  is vital, particularly as we begin to train students.  The following informational meetings are designed for parents
Parent Presentations (K-12):  In September, A.L.I.C.E. presentations designed specifically for parents will be held at each Middle School.  If parents are unable to attend the presentation within the feeder pattern, they may choose any other listed presentation.  Spanish translation is available at two sites (see schedule).



Thank you for your patience as we get our new drop off and pick up procedures worked out.  Here are a few reminders:

·         If you need to get out of your vehicle to unload students, please park in the parking lot to unload.

·         Please pull as far forward as possible when dropping off or picking up so we can utilize the majority of the curb space.

·         The busses are unloading on the south drive.  It is okay to pass them while loading and unloading because children are entering and exiting on the other side of the bus.

Watermelon Feed

Watermelon Feed
One of the fun traditions at Heritage is our Watermelon Feed to start the new year. 


We are still having some minor areas fixed throughout the school, but for the most part, our construction is complete.  The outside of the new part will be receiving a metal cover, but it is on back order until October.  Thank you so much for your support in making this a reality for us.  Without our community voting for the 2013 Bond, this would not have taken place.  We received some much needed renovations and a much more secure entrance.

PTO Cookbooks For Sale


This is just a reminder about our Heritage Cookbooks that are being sold by our PTO.  We still have several of them and parents can use the online store on the PTO website or send in a check anytime for $10.

Olathe Public Library News

PIZZA & PAGES BOOK LOVERS CLUB - For 3rd - 5th graders at the Main branch of the Olathe Public Library.
Thursday, September 11
6:00 p.m. at the Main Library
Do you LOVE books and reading? Are you in grades 3 - 5? Help us start a brand-new club for kids who love reading, sharing and learning more about books! Each month we'll eat a quick pizza dinner together and talk about books we've enjoyed recently. What else will we do? It's up to you! We could create tools to help other kids find great books, write to favorite authors, watch book trailers—the possibilities are endless. Please bring a copy of a book you've enjoyed recently to the program (preferably a book the OPL owns, but it doesn't have to be) and be prepared to tell us a little bit about it—without giving away too much of the story! Program will last about 90 minutes. 
*Registration required
(*Registration began Tuesday, September 2.  You can call 913-971-6850 or go to the website.)

Harriers Running Club

The Harriers Running Club started last night and we have 45 Harriers!  Here are the 3 other running days.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Jared Coones Pumpkin Run/Walk

Saturday, October 4, 2014
8:00 AM Black Bob Elementary School