Monday, September 15, 2014

Fun Run Pictures

The Hound Dog Fun Run will be this Friday, September 19th.  The PTO is raising funds to provide field trips, classroom supplies, and Heritage upgrades throughout the year.

The goal is for this to be our one, large fundraiser, so be sure to ask friends and family to sponsor your student’s run! We've raised almost $2,500 so far, but we still have a long way to go before reaching our goal of $25,000.

Send in your pledges this week to compete for great classroom parties! Last week the winning classrooms had a Silly String party, a Pie in the Face party, and a Workshop sponsored by Home Depot! This week we’ll have a Gymnastics party sponsored by Gym 360, a Pizza party, a Water Balloon Toss, and an Ice Cream party. Visit to donate. Thank you for your support!