We have had an excellent beginning to our school year here
at Heritage. We welcomed several new families
and students and are so glad to have them as part of the Hound Dog
community. There are some important
upcoming dates that you can see below, but I wanted to highlight 2 dates. The first one is our PTO Block Party
scheduled for Saturday, August 29th at 6:00 PM. ***Please note this change from previous
communication. I highly encourage our
families to attend this fun event to meet/see other Heritage families. This is simply a time for us to gather and get
to know each other a little better. The
second date I’d like to highlight is our Watch DOGS Kick-Off Night on September
1st at 5:30 PM. We would love
for our dads to bring their kids to enjoy some pizza and get signed up for a
time to volunteer at Heritage as our Top Dog!
I have had the opportunity to visit every classroom these
past few days to meet our new students and to discuss student
expectations. In many classrooms, we discussed the Heritage Vision that was established over the summer. We have banners with our new vision throughout the building. I enjoyed sharing this vision with all our students as it is our framework for where we are heading as a school. I appreciate all the input provided by parents, staff members, and students to develop the vision for our school.
Please don't hesitate to call or email me with questions or concerns. I look forward to working with all our families to make this an exceptional year, and I hope to see you at the Second Annual PTO Block Party on the HT back playground on August 29th at 6:00 PM.
Scott McFarland
Heritage Principal
Heritage Principal