Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mr. McFarland News

Watch Dogs

We had a tremendous turnout last Tuesday evening at our Watch DOG pizza night with almost 200 guests!  It is amazing to see such wonderful support for our school.  I want to make sure and thank Dan Sorrels for volunteering to lead the program this year as well as our PTO for coordinating the calendar and the 40 pizzas from Pizza Hut.  If you were unable to make it to the kick-off and would like to sign-up for a day to volunteer, please email Dan Sorrels at dansorrels@kw.com.  Feel free to email me at smcfarlandht@olatheschools.org as well with questions on scheduling.  Thanks again for your support for this great program!

Fun Run
Our PTO sponsored Fun Run will be here before we know it.  On Thursday, September 24th, we will have 382 students participating in our 2015 Fun Run!  I highly encourage parents, grandparents, and other family members and friends to attend this fun event.  The track will be located just east of the school where there will be plenty of room for our students to run and plenty of room for guests to watch.  We welcome family and friends to bring chairs to sit and cheer our on our students.  Our kindergarten students will run in the morning from 10:00-10:45.  Grades 1 and 2 will run from 1:00-1:45 and grades 3-5 will run from 2:00-2:45.  I hope you are able to join us to help encourage our Hound Dogs!