Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Mr. McFarland News

Heritage will be piloting a new assessment in January called the MAP test.  MAP stands for Measure of Academic Progress.  Students in grades K-5 will be taking this test.  Kindergarten and First Grade students will take the assessment on laptops and the rest of our students will take it on the iPads.  Here is a link for the testing schedule.

The MAP test will give teachers immediate feedback on how their students are doing compared to the rest of the country.  It will provide information as to where each student is at instructionally and where each student should be going academically.   Parents will receive a report with a score along with the national average and district average.  We will most likely hand these out during February parent-teacher conferences.  This computer based test adjusts to the student knowledge base.  If a student answers a question correctly, the test questions will get harder.  If a student answers incorrectly, the test questions get easier until they find a middle ground of what the student knows.

If the district decides to adopt this assessment, students will be tested each year, once in the fall and once in the spring.  Parents will receive an update after each testing session with their child’s score along with all of their previous scores.  Your child’s teacher will be providing more information after winter break.

This has been a wonderful first semester of the 2015-2016 school year.  I hope all our families are able to take some time over the next few weeks to be with family and enjoy the holiday season.  I look forward to seeing our students return in 2016!

Scott McFarland