Monday, November 18, 2013

Book Fair and Breakfast with Santa

Book Fair/Breakfast with Santa

The Scholastic Book Fair will be in the library this week November 18th - 23rd until  4:00 pm except for Tuesday, November 19th.  That will be a special Family Book Fair Night that will run until 7:00 PM.  Please come join us.

Chris Cakes will be serving “flying pancakes” on Saturday, November 23 from         8:30-11:30 am.  Santa Claus will also be there for a fun time!  This will be the last chance to buy from the book fair which will be open until 11:30 am.

Preschool Application for 2014-2015



2014 – 2015



Starting Monday, January 6, 2014



Tuesday, January 7, 2014

To request the application forms please call:

Kim Russell,  913-780-7341

Or email:

Veteran's Day Assembly

Veteran’s Day Assembly
Heritage had a special time to honor our Veterans on Monday, November 11th.

Students who invited their Veterans for the event first served them cookies and lemonade in the library while watching a slide show of personal military photos.

The assembly began with the Color Guard from the Earl Collier American Legion Post presenting the colors and the second grade leading in the singing of our National
Anthem.  Then the 4th and 5th grade Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts guided us in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.  During the assembly the second grade and Junior Falcon Choir sang some patriotic songs thanking our Veterans.  A few students read tributes they had written to all of the people who have served our country.

Mrs. Freund, one of our first grade teachers read a moving story of “The Little White Table” about the meaning of Veteran's Day.
We wanted to thank everyone who participated and also Mrs. Mulligan for creating the slide show, Mrs. Pat for serving cookies and lemonade, Mrs. Mitchell and the students who helped decorate, and Mrs. Owens who organized the whole event. 

But we especially want to thank the brave men and women of the United States Military.


Donuts for Dad

Donuts With Dads

It was worth getting up early Friday morning, November 8th for our dads to eat breakfast with their children.  Donuts With Dads was a huge success.  What a special way to raise money for our school and spend precious time with your children. 

Many thanks to Carrie Mullies who organized and worked the whole event.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bountiful Harvest

Bountiful Harvest


Dear Heritage Parents,

  Heritage Elementary has a wonderful tradition that is called Bountiful Harvest.  This is your opportunity to make a difference in many families lives and teach your children the art of giving.  There are 13,000 low-income residents in Johnson County who look to Johnson County Christmas Bureau for assistance during the upcoming holiday season.  And we can help!

  Starting November 8, we are asking your children to bring canned foods, paper goods, toiletries, etc….. on the designated days attached to this note.  The drive will run through November 18.

   This year we are also asking for gently used or new coats.  These can be sent to school anytime during Bountiful Harvest.

 This is a great way to show that “Heritage Has Heart!  



Friday, November 8-Canned goods. 

Monday, November 11- Soaps, Detergent, laundry items

Tuesday, November 12-Staple items such as sugar, flour, salt, oil, shortening

Wednesday, November 13- Rice, pasta, macaroni, breakfast cereals

Thursday, November 14- Baby items such as diapers, wipes, baby food, bottles

Friday, November 15-Paper towels, TP, tissues, napkins

Monday, November 18- Personal items such as combs, brushes, toothpaste,

toothbrushes, shampoo etc. Please do not send travel sized items.

**We are also asking for new or gently used coats in adult & children’s sizes.**


Please don’t separate packaged items- thank you.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Message From The Principal

With the busy schedules we all have each and every day, it seems like it is harder and harder to find time to sit down with our children to complete their homework each night.  I would like to encourage you to establish a time each night as “homework” time.  This doesn’t have to be homework sent from school, but having a specific interval of time based on the age of your child provides them a consistent period to focus on some sort of learning.  Our district recommends about ten minutes per grade level, so 3rd grade would be approximately 30 minutes a night.

If your child doesn’t happen to have homework one evening, reading a book, or playing a math game on the computer are a couple of examples of what students could do.  The idea is to provide them time to be engaged, even if they do not have homework, or the homework didn’t take up the entire “homework” time.  This not only provides a consistent time for our students, but it also may encourage them to not rush through the homework in an effort to just get done. 

We have tried this at our house, and there have been several bumps in trying to establish that consistent time.  We know it’s not going to be perfect (consistent schedules and kids don’t seem to mix - ha)!  We are just trying to develop some habits at an early age that will hopefully stay with them as they continue through school.


Important Safety Tips for Parents

As the days grow shorter and darker, now is an important time to remind your children about some general safety tips to make sure walks to and from school are safe and successful.

Always walk home using the same route

Never stop at a friend’s home without telling your parents first
 Walk straight home every day
 Always be aware of your surroundings
Always walk on sidewalks and stay out of people’s yards and driveways
 Try to walk home in groups of two or more
 Do not become distracted by play, use of cell phones, etc

Original Artworks Program

Original Artworks Program
The Original Artworks Program is currently running at Heritage until Friday,  November 8th.
The program provides all students the opportunity to have the artwork they have created in class reproduced onto products such as magnets, tiles, note cards, mugs, mouse pads and many other items.  This is a great way for you to share their artwork with family and friends.
Now is the time to place your order.   If you are interested in ordering, please bring your completed order form and payment to school no later than Friday,        November 8th.
If there are any questions, please call Mrs. Mitchell, Heritage Art Teacher,                 at 780-7490.
There is a new Original Artworks Program video that can be accessed via the following link by:  “control and click on the link”.
It provides a fun and creative way to learn more about the program, products and processes.

Box Tops and Congratulations!

Box Tops for September
Mrs. Freund’s first grade class won the most Box Tops in September with 2,239!  They will have an ice cream party to celebrate.  Congratulations!
The school total for September was 7,723 valued at $772.30 for Heritage!  Thank you to everyone who collects box tops.

Two Heritage teachers were nominated by their peers for outstanding teaching awards.
Mr. Kilber PE was nominated for the 2013-2014 Emporia State Master Teacher Award.
Mrs. Sundermeyer Kindergarten was the nomination winner for the 2013-2014 Kansas Teacher of the Year Award.