Monday, November 4, 2013

Message From The Principal

With the busy schedules we all have each and every day, it seems like it is harder and harder to find time to sit down with our children to complete their homework each night.  I would like to encourage you to establish a time each night as “homework” time.  This doesn’t have to be homework sent from school, but having a specific interval of time based on the age of your child provides them a consistent period to focus on some sort of learning.  Our district recommends about ten minutes per grade level, so 3rd grade would be approximately 30 minutes a night.

If your child doesn’t happen to have homework one evening, reading a book, or playing a math game on the computer are a couple of examples of what students could do.  The idea is to provide them time to be engaged, even if they do not have homework, or the homework didn’t take up the entire “homework” time.  This not only provides a consistent time for our students, but it also may encourage them to not rush through the homework in an effort to just get done. 

We have tried this at our house, and there have been several bumps in trying to establish that consistent time.  We know it’s not going to be perfect (consistent schedules and kids don’t seem to mix - ha)!  We are just trying to develop some habits at an early age that will hopefully stay with them as they continue through school.