Monday, November 18, 2013

Veteran's Day Assembly

Veteran’s Day Assembly
Heritage had a special time to honor our Veterans on Monday, November 11th.

Students who invited their Veterans for the event first served them cookies and lemonade in the library while watching a slide show of personal military photos.

The assembly began with the Color Guard from the Earl Collier American Legion Post presenting the colors and the second grade leading in the singing of our National
Anthem.  Then the 4th and 5th grade Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts guided us in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.  During the assembly the second grade and Junior Falcon Choir sang some patriotic songs thanking our Veterans.  A few students read tributes they had written to all of the people who have served our country.

Mrs. Freund, one of our first grade teachers read a moving story of “The Little White Table” about the meaning of Veteran's Day.
We wanted to thank everyone who participated and also Mrs. Mulligan for creating the slide show, Mrs. Pat for serving cookies and lemonade, Mrs. Mitchell and the students who helped decorate, and Mrs. Owens who organized the whole event. 

But we especially want to thank the brave men and women of the United States Military.