A collection barrel for donations is available at Heritage Elementary inside the school office.
The items collected will be delivered to Mission Southside on October 25, 2014.
Donation list attached. The food items are very specific, as they will be used for the Back Snack Program.
Contact Information: susan.clement@gmail.com or 913-254-0804
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School supplies needed:
Food drive items needed:
All supplies are
needed, but especially….
Canned pasta
Spiral notebooks
Canned veggies
Canned meats
Glue sticks
Juice boxes
School glue
Individual fruit
applesauce cups
#2 pencils
Individual pudding
100% fruit chews
Dry erase markers
Granola bars
Water base markers
Cereal bars
Boxes of tissues
Peanut butter
Hand sanitizer
Ramen noodles
The items needed for
the food drive are very specific. They will be going to help out in the Back
Snack Program. This program is to provide food for children who would otherwise
have nothing to eat on weekends when they are not attending school. Many of the
children who receive these snack packs on the weekends are homeless or on free
and reduced lunch. For many of these kids, the only meals they receive on the
weekend are these packs.