Monday, March 31, 2014

Kindest Kansas Citian Assembly

Kindest Kansas Citian

Think of all the kind people you know. Now pick one that you would like to nominate for the Kindest Kansas Citian by describing on paper that person’s kind act.  That is what teachers asked their students to do a few weeks ago. 
Out of the many nominations, one paper was chosen from each classroom to be read by the nominator at the Kindest Kansas Citian Assembly at Heritage.  The kind people who were nominated were invited to attend the assembly with the students whose lives they had touched.  Some of Heritage staff were also nominated.

One of our students, Ray, wrote how Olathe Medical Center (OHC) had taken such wonderful care of his mom during her cancer treatments, and when Ray had his tonsils out.  Three staff members from Olathe Medical Center attended the assembly with doughnuts for the whole school.  They were so moved by the honor that they spread the word throughout the Olathe Health Center and created a “donation for jeans day” toward the Cancer Resource Center.  Please see the letter below:

“Thank you again for allowing Olathe Health System to be a part of your Kindest Kansas Citian assembly ~ we all thoroughly enjoyed it!
I wanted to let you know that as a result of Raymond’s OHS nomination and directing the Jeans Day funds to the Cancer Resource Center, the 2014 Jeans Day has brought in over $5800 ~ This is nearly double what was raised last year!

The kindness just keeps on rippling.”

5th Grade Versus Staff Volleyball Game

The volleyball game is always a noisy battle with lots of cheering and lots of winners. And FUN!

ALICE-Enhance Lock Down Protocol

ALICE: District Staff to be Trained on Enhanced Lock Down Protocol

Providing a safe and secure learning environment for students is of paramount importance in the Olathe Public Schools. The district has numerous practices, procedures and protocols in place each day to ensure a safe learning environment.

Starting this spring, the district will begin training staff on a new safety protocol program called ALICE. ALICE is a protocol that enhances current lockdown procedures. The U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and other educational leadership and governmental agencies have recommended that school districts develop a protocol that provides options to students and staff when facing threat or harm from an aggressive intruder.

ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evaluate. ALICE empowers staff to exercise options in the event of such a critical incident, based on real-time information gathered during the incident. This enhanced protocol does not dictate to staff or students how they should react, but merely provides options for actions in addition to just lockdown. 

There will be district-wide information opportunities for parents moving forward.

“As a school district we are continuously in a mode of improvement,” said Assistant Superintendent Erin Dugan. “This is true in the area of safety and security as well. ALICE is an improvement to our current lockdown protocol as current best practice supports a lock down protocol that provides options to staff.”



Monday, March 10, 2014

In Appreciation...!

In Appreciation for all you do:

The Heritage Teachers would like to thank Victoria White, Angela Ward, Tonya Sorrels, Lisa Haworth, Jessie Williams and all of the parents who provided the delicious dinner during conferences.
We know it's alot of work, but we love it!

Also, a heartfelt thank you to Angela Ward, Tonya Sorrels and Victoria White for helping with Spring Picture Day February 20th.  Because of them, the day went smoothly and quickly.