Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Math Wings Winners!

Congratulations to all Hound Dog Math Wings competitors!
Over 100 4th & 5th grade students, from 5 elementary schools, participated in the Regional Competition at Havencroft Tuesday afternoon.  Heritage came home with TOP honors for both grade levels.
Special congratulations to Nicholas, Rebecca, and Amber for earning 1st place among 4th graders, and to Connor, Eli, and Ray for earning 1st place among 5th graders!
These Hound Dogs will represent Heritage at the District competition next Tuesday at Olathe North.  Good luck, Hound Dogs!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Kindergarten Round Up

         Heritage Elementary

Kindergarten Round-UP

Heritage Elementary will hold Kindergarten Round-Up on Thursday, February 26th from 1:00-6:00 PM.  We will enroll all students who will be 5 years of age on or before August 31st, 2015 for the 2015-2016 school year.  Kindergarten Enrollment will provide an opportunity for parents to complete pre-enrollment paperwork in preparation for our July all-school enrollment. 

Please bring the following for your child:

o   official state birth certificate

o   child’s social security number

o   immunization records

o   parent numbers

o   emergency contact numbers

o   daycare and doctor information

o   proof of residency

o   subdivision name

Parents will receive physical and dental examination forms that are to be completed for each child.  Immunizations must be completed before students begin school in August.  Kindergarten Round Up is the time to apply for full day kindergarten or request AM or PM classes.

Kindergarten Round Up is an open house for parents to fill out paperwork that usually takes about 20 minutes.  On Friday, May 1st parents and future kindergarteners are invited to our Kindergarten Orientation from 1:00-2:00 PM to meet the teachers and learn more about the kindergarten program.  If you know of someone who may not have received this information, please pass it along.  If you would like additional information or have any questions, please call the school office at 780-7490.


Winter Holiday Parties

Winter Holiday Parties

The afternoon before Winter Holiday Break is full of games, snacks and lots of laugher.  We're never sure if the students or the teachers are more excited about the upcoming break!

5th Grade Versus Staff Volleyball Game

5th Grade Versus Staff Volleyball Game

The competition is fierce when the 5th Graders take on the Staff like they did December 16th before our holiday break.  Everyone especially the spectators have a lot of fun during this Heritage tradition. The 5th Graders even won a game!

Thursday, January 8, 2015


No se olvide de votar para la OPCIÓN DE PRESUPUESTO LOCAL.

Votantes registrados que viven dentro del área del Distrito Escolar de Olathe recibirán una boleta en el correo después del 07 de enero.

Esta boleta debe ser regresada a la Oficina de Elecciones del Condado de Johnsosn en el sobre prepagado para el mediodía del 27 de enero. Esta votación es para continuar con el  nivel actual  del presupuesto  local. Esto no incrementará sus impuestos, pero sí impactará de manera positiva cada escuela del distrito.

Durante la sesión legislativa de 2014, la Legislatura estatal aprobó una ley que le permite a los distritos aumentar la OPCIÓN DEL PRESUPUESTO LOCAL en un 2%. La Legislatura le permitió a los distritos que este incremento se realice durante el año escolar 2014-15, pero require a los distritos que hagan una votación a través del correo para que se mantenga el incremento para el año escolar 2015-16 y después de éste. La Junta de Educación de Olathe votó por el aumento del LOB por un 2% en la reunión de Agosto de 2014. En el distrito de Olathe, aunque se haya aumentado el LOB, el monto de impuesto del distrito ha bajado.

Para poder votar en estas elecciones, las personas deben estar registradas para votar o deben registrarse para ello antes del 06 de enero.

Recuerde: todas las boletas deben devolverse a la Oficina de Elecciones del Condado de Johnson (ya sea por correo usando el sobre prepagado o dejando la boleta en la oficina de elecciones) para el mediodía del 27 de enero.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Local Option Budget

Don’t Forget To Vote on the LOCAL OPTION BUDGET

Registered voters who live within the Olathe School District boundaries will receive a ballot in the mail on or after Jan. 7. This ballot must be returned to the Johnson County Election Office in the postage-paid envelope by noon on Jan. 27. The ballot is to continue the district’s current Local Option Budget level. This is a no-tax increase proposal that would positively impact every school in the district.

During the 2014 Legislative Session, the state Legislature passed a bill that would allow districts to raise the Local Option Budget by 2 percent. The Legislature has allowed districts to raise it for the 2014-15 school year, but requires districts to go out for a mail-in election to gain approval to maintain the increase for the 2015-16 school year and beyond. The Olathe Board of Education voted to raise the LOB by 2% at its August 2014 meeting. In the Olathe district, even in raising the LOB, the district’s mill rate has decreased.

In order to vote in this election, patrons must be registered voters or must register to vote by Jan. 6.

Remember: all ballots must be returned to the Johnson County Election Office (either by mail by using the enclosed postage-paid envelope or by dropping the ballot off at the election office) by noon on Jan. 27. 




Updates January 7-January 31, 2015

Updates January 7-January 31
1/7 Report Cards Go Home
1/9 Cotton Candy Friday
1/12 Math Wings Mrs. Hannon 3:45-4:15 PM Short Meeting
1/13 Beginners Chess Club Creative Commons Mr. Parsons 7:45 AM
1/13 Math Wings Regional Competition Havencroft 3:45-5:00 PM
1/13 Incoming 6th Grade Meeting ITMS 6:00-7:00 PM
1/13 PTO Meeting Library 6:30-7:30 PM
1/15 Experienced Chess Club Creative Commons Mr. Parsons 7:45 PM
1/19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday NO SCHOOL
1/20 Beginners Chess Club Creative Commons Mr. Parsons 7:45 AM
1/20 Math Wings District Competition ONHS 3:30-5:00 PM
1/20 SPED Night ITMS 6:00-7:00 PM
1/21 ITMS Counselor Visit 
1/21 Major Saver Kick Off
1/22 Experienced Chess Club Creative Commons Mr. Parsons 7:45 PM
1/22 5th Grade to Boys Basketball Game at ITMS 3:00-4:30 PM
1/22 Science Fair Backboard Night at Heritage 5:00-7:00 PM
1/23 4th Grade to Main Street USA 8:45-2:15
1/27 Beginners Chess Club Creative Commons Mr. Parsons 7:45 AM
1/28 ITMS Counselor Re-Visit 
1/29 Experienced Chess Club Creative Commons Mr. Parsons 7:45 PM
1/29 3rd Grade Program MPR 2:30, 7:00 PM 
1/30 Movie Night 3:40-5:45 PM
1/30 Science Fair Check-In SFT 4:30-6:00 PM
1/31 District Science Festival  SFT  2:00-4:00 PM