Friday, May 27, 2016

Thank you, Kaw Valley Greenhouses!

Kaw Valley Greenhouses

We are so grateful to Cari and Dan of Kaw Valley Greenhouses for their donation of eight plants for Heritage's Outdoor Classroom.  These plants will help attract many butterflies and other pollinators while adding some beautiful color to the garden as well. 

Kaw Valley is located on the corner of 151st St. & Mur-Len in Olathe.  They will remain open for another month so stop by and say thanks for their generous donation!  

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Retirement Party

Retirement Party
The Retirement Celebration for Mr. Harrington, Mr. Kilber and Mrs. Robertson was a heart warming time to see old friends and family.  You will all be truly missed, but we wish you only the best in your new adventures!

Field Day!


This year was Mr. Kilber's last Field Day here at Heritage.  It was a beautiful day for the parade, games, picnics and treats.

Thank you, Mr. Kilber, our amazing PTO, and all of the volunteers and teachers who made this such a special day!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Free Summer Meals

Join Us For Lunch!

The Olathe School District is pleased to announce the Summer Food Service Program which will begin June 1 and go through June 30. Thanks to a federally funded pro-gram, summer meals will be served free to all children 1-18 years of age.

Serving Locations and Times
Fairview Elementary Monday – Thursday 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Ridgeview Elementary Monday – Thursday 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Program Rules:
Adults will not be served
Meals must be eaten “on site”

For many of these children, summer vacation can bring the temptation of eating empty calorie snacks and foods that are high in sugar, fats and sodium. And for many others, summer expos-es students to an increased risk of hunger and developmental decline.

Summertime is a time to play hard….but it is also a time to remember to eat right. Make sure good nutrition remains a priority all summer long, and students will return to school in the Fall healthy, sharp and ready to learn.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mr. McFarland News

Staffing Changes
With so many staffing changes occurring, I would like to provide a listing of our classroom teachers for the 2016-2017 school year as of now:

Roxann Sundermeyer (Full Day)
Jordan Lucas (1/2 Day AM)

First Grade
Marsha Butler
Breanna Jesseph
Jana Willett

Second Grade
Rebecca Arbuckle
Michele Begor
Jenny Enochs
Kacey French

Third Grade
Patty Mulligan
Rebecca Stanley
Jennifer Tygard

Fourth Grade
Heather Moss
Julie Williams

Fifth Grade
Cindi Cochran
Ruth Hannon
Matt Wolterman

Also, Maddie Alexander will be our new Speech Language Pathologist.  She comes to us from KU and did part of her practicum in the Olathe School District.  I will keep our community updated with any other changes as they occur.

Scott McFarland

Staff Appreciation

For Staff Appreciation the PTO provided a Cinco de Mayo luncheon to honor our Heritage staff and Hull Lotta Ice treated us to Shaved Ice!

Chipotle Mexican Grill at 20080 W. 153rd Street in Olathe donated some delicious chips, salsa and burritos. Thank you, Chipotle! Our amazing PTO ladies, Tonya Sorrels and Jessie Cunningham added to the meal, topped it off with LOTS of cookies and spoiled us. :)

Hull Lotta Ice made sure everyone had their favorite Shaved Ice flavor! Thank you, LeAnn and Dan Hull for donating your outstanding Ice and thanks, Brock for helping!

Shaved Ice. YUM!

Attention ALL Heritage Volunteers!





Advanced Fee Payment

Advanced Fee Payment

The opportunity to pay fees in advance for next school year will again be available this summer.  Information regarding the early fee payment option will be sent home with your elementary student on the last day of school in the report card envelope. 

Fees for the 2016-17 school year may be paid online at starting Monday, July 11th or in person at Registration Day on July 28th (11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.).

Transportation fees can be paid online at beginning May 1, 2016.

Pay transportation fees from May 1st – July 1st and save up to 25%.

Summer Reading Tips

Happy Reading!
Summer Reading Tips to Share with Parents
1. Read every day. Set aside time each day for your child to read, and set a good example by reading
during that time yourself, as well!
2. Read out loud. Try letting your child read to you, or to a pet or even a favorite toy.
3. Location, location, location. Keep things interesting by choosing different places for your daily
reading time—in the backyard, front yard, at a park, on the beach, at the library, etc.
4. Start a book club. Read the same book your child is reading, and talk with him or her about it to
help develop comprehension and analytical skills.
5. All choices are good choices. Encourage the reading habit by letting your child choose his or her
own reading material, even if it’s popular fiction or something else that may not be your first choice.
6. Listen up. Give audiobooks a try! The whole family can listen to them together at home or in the
car, or your child can listen solo with headphones.
7. The library is your friend. Take your child to the library regularly, and while you’re there collect
information about any summer reading clubs, activities, or events they offer. Most libraries have
programs with easy-to-reach goals and age-appropriate reading lists!
8. Try a variety. In addition to books, encourage your child to read magazines (older children can read
the newspaper, as well!). Some suggestions to help expand their horizons and their vocabularies:
National Geographic Kids, Odyssey, Time for Kids, Ranger Rick, Highlights for Children, and Sports
Illustrated for Kids.
9. Read everywhere! No matter where you take your child, read aloud traffic signs, billboards, and
anything else you see. If you’re going on a longer trip, teach your child how to read a map and let
him or her help navigate by reading you directions.
10. Record it. Encourage your child to collect souvenirs (postcards, photos, ticket stubs, etc.) throughout the summer and create a scrapbook, writing captions for each item he or she includes.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Updates May 2- May 19

Updates May 2-May 19
2-May Art Club Mrs. Mitchell 3:45-4:30 PM
2-May CSI Creative Commons 3:45-4:30 PM
4-May Ambassadors Day at the K 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM
5-May 5th Grade Cougar Palooza IT 8:45-11:15 AM
5-May FBK and AM KDG Animal Talks OSHS 9:50-11:00 AM
5-May PM KDG Animal Talks OSHS 1:40-2:45 PM
5-May 3rd Grade Animal Talks OSHS 1:40-2:45 PM
5-May After School Study Club Creative Commons 3:40-4:30 PM
6-May 2nd Grade to KU Natural History Museum 8:45 AM-1:30 PM
6-May 1st Grade to Theater for Young America 9:30 AM-2:30 PM
9-May Art Club Mrs. Mitchell 3:45-4:30 PM
10-May Kindergarten Program Emily's Eatery 6:30-7:15 PM
11-May IT 6th Grade Band Tour Emily's Eatery 9:00-9:30 AM
11-May 3rd Grade Fire Safety Creative Commons 1:00-2:00 PM
11-May 5th Grade Celebration Emily's Eatery 7:00-8:30 PM
11-May Retirement Celebration at Heritage Library and Creative Commons 4:00-5:30 PM
12-May 2nd Grade Fire Safety House 9:00-11:30 AM
12-May  3rd Grade to Old Shawnee Town 12:00-2:30 PM
12-May Kindness Connection with Havencroft 2:00-3:30 PM
12-May After School Study Club Creative Commons 3:40-4:30 PM
12-May YMCA-Care Movie NightEmily's Eatery 6:00-8:00 PM
13-May Field Day! 8:30  AM-3:30 PM
16-May 5th Grade vs Staff Kickball Game Baseball Diamond 2:00-3:30 PM
17-May RAH RAH Celebration Emily's Eatery 2:30-3:30 PM
17-May PTO Meeting Library 6:30-7:30 PM
18-May Last Day for Preschool and Kindergarten
18-May Talent Show Emily's Eatery 1:30-3:00 PM
19-May Awards Assembly Emily's Eatery 10:00 AM-11:15 AM 
19-May Final Half Day of School! Dismissal 11:40 AM