Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Weekly Chats/Charlas Semanales English/Espanol

Weekly Chats Targeted to Parents' Needs, Questions

Nov. 13, 2014 ~ Spanish-speaking families with children in the Olathe School District are invited to free weekly informational chats on topics such as parenting, money, discipline, and children's health. The Charlas Para Padres take place each Thursday from 6-7:30 p.m. in the North Lindenwood Support Center, 315 N. Lindenwood, Olathe.
Charlas Para Padres (a chat with parents) is designed to answer the questions that Hispanic patrons may have about a broad range of topics. In fact, the structure of each chat is based around the needs of those in attendance.
Parent and facilitatorParents as Teachers parent and provider educator Isabel Gutierrez and Hispanic Student Advisor and Migrant Director Erik Erazo facilitate these chats. Charlas Para Padres grew from the parenting sessions offered in English and Spanish by the Parents as Teachers program, and another group connection in early 2013 for fathers only.
"Our parent educators have always looked for ways to offer more discipline and parenting sessions to our parents," said Gutierrez. "The plan was to have our fathers become active in the lives of their children and family while mothers and children went to the playroom."
A common issue for the Parents as Teachers sessions and other classes presented by Erazo was that parents couldn't always commit to attending every session, or the classes were only offered to families in a certain attendance area.
Thanks to grants from the Olathe Public Schools Foundation last fall and this fall to cover staffing needs and refreshments, the Charlas Para Padres sessions are open to parents across the district, who may attend as many sessions as they want or their time allows.
"Each session has a stand-alone agenda and the parents choose the theme of the session based on their needs," Gutierrez said. "Our job is to look for guest speakers (professionals) depending on the parents' requests or needs, or for us to research and present the information they need. We see the adults are being empowered with development and parenting."
"We are very proud of this event because it has brought together many different groups within the district as well as community volunteers," said Parents as Teachers Coordinator Nancy Keel.
Child care is providedParents with children prenatal through high school will benefit from these sessions. Teens and adult volunteers provide child care for children age 11 and older. Children have the opportunity to participate in activities that build their fine and gross motor skills (painting, running an obstacle course, etc.), language skills (reading), intellectual skills (homework, puzzles, etc.).
Parents do not need to register in advance for any of the sessions. Anyone with questions is encouraged to call Isabel Gutierrez at (913) 780-8201.
(Top photo: Charlas Para Padres co-facilitator Erik Erazo and a parent. Bottom photo: Children participate in activities while their parents attend the chats.)


Charlas semanales dirigidas a las preguntas y necesidades de los padres

Familias que hablan español y que tengan estudiantes en el Distrito escolar de Olathe están invitados a las charlas informativas semanales donde se tratan temas tales como crianza de los niños, dinero, disciplina, o salud. Las charlas para padres tienen lugar cada jueves de 6-7:30 p.m. en el Centro de Apoyo Lindenwood, 315 N. Lindenwood, Olathe.
El programa Charlas Para Padres, está diseñado para responder a las preguntas que los padres de la comunidad hispana pueden tener acerca de diferentes tópicos. De hecho, la estructura de cada charla está basada en las necesidades de los asistentes.
La Sra. Isabel Gutierrez, proveedora del Programa Padres como maestros y educadora, junto al Asesor Estudiantil, Erik Erazo, son quienes facilitan estas charlas. Charlas Para Padres nació de sesiones ofrecidas en inglés y en español en Padres como Maestros, en conexión con otro grupo que se ofrecía a padres solamente a principio de 2013.
"Nuestros educadores siempre están buscando diferentes maneras para ofrecer más disciplina y sesiones para criar a los niños a nuestros padres," dice la Sra. Gutierrez. "El plan era que los padres de familias se volvieran más activos en la vida de sus niños y de la familia, mientras las mamás junto con los niños iban al salón de juegos."
Un problema común que teníamos en las sesiones de Padres como maestros y otras clases presentadas por Erazo era el hecho de que los padres no siempre podían asistir a todas las clases, o las clases sólo se ofrecían a las familias que vivían en ciertas áreas.
Gracias a donaciones de la Fundación de las Escuelas Públicas de Olathe el otoño pasado y éste para cubrir necesidades y refrescos, las sesiones de Charlas para Padres están abiertas para todos los padres del distrito, quienes podrán asistir a todas las sesiones que deseen o a las que su tiempo les permita.
"Cada sesión tiene una agenda separada y los padres eligen el tema en cada una de ellas basados en sus necesidades," dice Gutierrez. "Nuestro trabajo es el de buscar presentadores invitados (profesionales) dependiendo de las necesidades de lo que requieren los padres, o por nuestras búsquedas y presentar la información que ellos necesiten. Vemos que los adultos están siendo fortalecidos en el desarrollo y crianza de los niños."
"Estamos muy orgullosos con este evento porque ha juntado diferentes grupos dentro del distrito, al mismo tiempo que voluntarios de la comunidad," dijo la Coordinadora de Padres como Maestros Nancy Keel.
Padres con niños prenatales hasta la escuela preparatoria se beneficiarán con estas sesiones. Adolescentes y adultos voluntarios proven cuidado a niños menores de 11 años de edad. Los niños tienen la oportunidad de participar en actividades donde desarrollan sus habilidades motrices finas y gruesas (pintar, jugar en carreras de obstáculos, etc.), habilidades del lenguaje (lectura), habilidades intelectuales (tareas escolares, rompecabezas, etc.).
Padres no necesitan registrarse por avanzado para ninguna de las sesiones. Cualquier persona que tenga preguntas puede llamar a Isabel Gutierrez al (913) 780-8201.
(Foto de la parte superior: Asesor estudiantil Erik Erazo y una madre de familia. Foto de la parte inferior: Niños participando en actividades mientras los padres asisten a las charlas.)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mr. McFarland's News

I Pads

As I’m sure you have heard at home, our students now have access to iPads in their classrooms.  Our students and staff have been anxiously waiting for these to roll-out.   Now that they are here, our focus turns to what types of learning can be done with them.  As a district, we are looking at a technology model called SAMR, which stands for: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition.

The learning that takes place typically falls along a continuum within these four areas.  At a lower learning level, we have substitution.  What this means is that we are using the iPads to substitute what could be done with something else.  Filling out a worksheet that is on the iPad would be substituting pencil and paper.  This example is pretty cool and it saves paper, but it’s not necessarily changing the way students learn.  At the other end of the spectrum, we have redefinition.  Having a student create a documentary about the phases of the moon set to music using the iPad is an example of redefinition.  Students are redefining the way they are learning.  Rather than writing a research paper on the phases of the moon, students are finding information on the moon, and then finding creative ways to share the information.  This is the type of learning we are hoping to achieve! 
As we continue to learn best practices with the iPads, we will be challenging our students to extend their learning through exploration and creativity; certainly something our students love doing!



Halloween is always a fun time to see lots of strange big and little Hound Dogs.



Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Preschool Application Process for 2015-2016

2015 - 2016
                                     FEE BASED PEER PARTICIPATION SLOT

Send request via email to Kim Russell, krussellhlc@olatheschools.org  (Include your child’s date of birth.)

Via telephone/ Voice Mail:  913-780-7341 (Include your name, phone number, child’s name, date of birth and your email or mailing address. PLEASE be very specific when leaving your email or mailing  address.
General Information:           IF you applied for a three year old slot for the 2014-2015 school year, and your child was not selected, you MUST re-apply for the 4 year old slots.  Three year old applications do not automatically move to the 4 year old application file1st Day that applications may be requested is January 6, 20151st Day that applications will be sent out or parents may pick up is January 7, 2015.
Child must be three/four on or before 8/31/15

Family must live in the Olathe School District (This also applies to school district employees.)

Child must be toilet trained

Child must speak and understand English

If a child has an IEP for any service (speech, motor etc.) they are not
eligible for a peer slot.

These are Fee Based participation slots:
(3 yr olds) 4 days a week is currently   * $130.00 per month   * subject to change

(4 yr olds) 5 days a week is currently  * $163.00 per month    * subject to change
If a family qualifies for the free milk/lunch program there will not be a monthly fee.   If a family qualifies for reduced lunch program fees will be reduced by half.      

Transportation may be an option, based on a space and route availability                                                               (There is charge for bus transportation.)

We will start filling three year old slots the first week of February.

Updates November 4-November 30

Updates November 4-November 30
11/4 Math Wings 5-Hannon 3:45-4:45 PM
11/4 Kindergarten ABC123 Night MPR 6:30-7:30 PM
11/6 Hearing/Screening Day 8:30 AM-1:00 PM
11/6 Math Club 3-Mulligan 3:45-4:30 PM
11/6 FLIP Program 6:00-8:00 PM MPR
11/7 Student of the Week Lunches
11/7 Cotton Candy Friday 
11/11 Math Wings 5-Hannon 3:45-4:45 PM
11/11 PTO Meeting Library 6:30-8:00 PM
11/13 Math Club 3-Mulligan 3:45-4:30 PM
11/14 Picture Retake Day
11/14 Student of the Week Lunches
11/14 Mid-Quarter Progress Reports Go Home
11/17 Book Fair Week Begins
11/18 Book Fair 
11/18 Math Wings 5-Hannon 3:45-4:45 PM
11/19 Book Fair
11/20 Book Fair Until 8:15 PM
11/20 Math Club 3-Mulligan 3:45-4:30 PM
11/20 Read N Romp Library and Downstairs Gym 7:00-8:15 PM
11/21 Book Fair
11/22 Breakfast With Santa and Book Fair MPR/Library 8:30-11:30 AM 
11/26-11/30 Thanksgiving Break 

Bountiful Harvest


Thursday, November 6-Canned goods. 

Friday, November 7- Soaps, Detergent, laundry items

Monday, November 10-Staple items such as sugar, flour, salt, oil,

Tuesday, November 11- Rice, pasta, macaroni, breakfast cereals

Wednesday, November 12- Baby items such as diapers, wipes,
baby food, bottles

Thursday, November 13-Paper towels, TP, tissues, napkins

Friday, November 14- Personal items such as combs, brushes,
toothbrushes, shampoo etc.
Please do not send travel sized items.
Please don’t separate packaged items.

** We are also asking for new or gently used coats in adult and children's sizes.**
All Donations Go To The Johnson County Christmas Bureau. 
Thank you.